Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The good ol days.

These are the good ol days. When it was August, the end summer. And no snow. This is Callie riding my Dandy. And these were also the good ol days because the computer would upload my pictures. Now, I don't know how to upload my pictures. As I'd like to upload pictures, I think I ought to try uploading my pictures on someone else's computer to see if I can upload pictures that way, and then add them here or send them to my e-mail.

Anyways, enjoy the pictures of good ol days! and don't worry! very soon the good ol days will soon return!


Rising Rainbow said...

The returning good ole days....would those be the ones without snow......or with pictures?? LOL

BTW, I'm not going to post that silly link on the rescue comments. I don't think it's appropriate there. If you want to leave it again on a less serious post, I will put it in. OK

Kim said...

Um... both! lol.. but my flibbin jibbin jibber jabber camera isn't uploading pics anymore for me... so I don't think I can upload anymore pics. But the good ole days of good weather is sure to return soon, but I just don't know about anymore more new pics since I don't know how to make it work anymore..

btw, what silly link on the rescue comments? I cant recall what it's about..?? so help me remember please! thanks.

Rising Rainbow said...

I think by mistake I ended up posting this afterall so I can't find it now. But as I remember you got off onto one of your ramblings (which are normally fine with me) and your subject matter got kind of silly. I don't usually censor comments unless they are ugly and mean but the posts about Valor are really important and very serioius. I didn't want the comments to get off track.

It's not a big deal. I just wanted you to know why your comment didn't show up. Then last week I ended up hitting the "post all" button by mistake.........and the rest is history. LOL

Rising Rainbow said...

Yes, Kim, I do think that was the one. I did look at it and decided I didn't want the comments to get distracted onto something funny when the subject matter was about a rescue gone wrong.

I knew from the time I was small I wanted an Arabian horse. I will post the story sometime but probably not on my horse blog. It might be more appropriate for the other blog. My first experience with an Arabian is in a pretty ugly situation.

I'm glad that your experience with Dandy is working out so well. also that I have had some influence in your passion for Arabian horses.

Kim said...

e.. lol. It's true.. I can get quite off track and ramble and say silly things lol. I think, it was a funny video that I posted? I don't recall. I recall the video being about a cartoon of like, one dressing up as a horse? and it was totally funny, but totally not appropriate for posting in the comments for Valor serious of posts.

BTW, I was reading your first and second post you ever posted on your blog.. and a lot of what you wrote, I felt like it was me that wrote that.. and I feel like, us Arabian horse people... we have such a connection with our Arabians. And have such a dedication to them. And how they are the perfect fit for us. And those people who think they are spooky or afraid of them.. I don't even know why they are afraid .. other than maybe they have a bad experience with them or heard of someone having a bad experience with an Arabian.. but either they've never owned one, or if they have, they aren't good enough riders or they just get scared off easily.. I don't know.. and thats why I was worried about Brittany but I am glad she still has him. I was worried she would she he was evil, but he's not. He was just provoked, because that's how sensitive they are. That's why you mostly have to be gentle, but firm when necessary.

I do know at least 10-14 years ago, when my dad use to weigh 200 and had been on an Arabian mare bareback and she went one way and he went another and somehow my dad fell off... so I believe that is why he thinks they are persnickety? but that cant be a good enough reason to think Arabians, and certainly all Arabians are bad horses. They certainly are not. I think you have to have just the right touch, to handle and own an Arabian correctly, and to have a good partenership. I just think my dad isn't a good rider yet.. lol...
I also don't think she cared that he came off, since she probably didn't want to carry him anyway lol. But when my mom told me that story, it sure made it sound like, my dad isn't a good rider, and it sure made me laugh. If my dad got into horses, he'd need a 1200 lb horse at least, and he'd need many lessons, and I doubt he'd ever ride alone. But that's OK, I'd be fine with being his supervisor :)

But I also would not care if my dad never got a horse, because he thinks racing 2 year olds, is racing them in their prime.. and he thinks Arabs are persnickety, and he thought Hidalgo was a dapple and not a Paint, because he didn't think his coloring was a Paints coloring... lol.. I said to my dad "he's a splattered paint, he use to be all white until someone took brown paint and splattered it all over hidalgo.." lol plus I went to google images and showed him a dapple horses, and paint horses. I also made a bet with him that I could find the Darley Arabian in Seabiscuit's lineage.. and I did! so I won one dollar from that bet.. lol. It just cracks me up. It also shows how little he knows about horses in general.

But when I was riding my horse, fully saddled and everything, and my horse was going fast and he took a sharp left turn and I came straight off him on the right side of him.. and what not.. that had happened probably happened 8 or so months ago.. I totally didn't hold it against Dandy, and I don't think anything is wrong with Dandy, because I KNOW it was my fault I fell off. I hadn't ridden him in a week, and didn't bother to longe... had I been riding him the whole week, or had longed him, or had I just kept him from galloping... I know I wouldn't have come off. So I know what I have to do, to keep my horse good. And if he does something or spooks at something... that doesn't make him bad or evil. He's smart enough to learn. Like when he use to roll with me on and the saddle on.. he hadn't been ridden in 3 years, and thankfully when I started riding him, I had a GREAT trainer to train me, while giving him a tune up! tuning him up, while I rode him. So that day when I was getting a lesson and he decided to roll and I heard "BAIL"! and he had gotten to his knees, I was ready to hop off lol.. now, when I ride bareback, he WAITS until after the ride to roll.. hes so smart.. he's learned not to roll when he's carrying a rider. Or when he spooked, even when I'd been riding down the road a border collie dog came out of nowhere barking and he stopped and leaped to the side and I stayed on.. and he got over it and managed to keep going.. what bothers me is the dog, not the horse. Or like one time, I was impressed with how willing my horse was when he saw two helmeted people on their ATVS in the the snow, he looked at them intently and cautiously, but with a little leg pressure he walked right pass them, and even though he wasn't sure, he allowed me to guide him as they waved while I rode past. My horse has not done one evil thing. And yet there are people who act like Arabs are evil, and until I see an Arab do an evil thing, or an evil thing totally unprovoked.. I will not understand those people.

And I had once read somewhere, how someone was riding an Arabian, when a bird flew in and the horse had spooked, and I don't remember what type of spook it was.. was it the kind where the horse bolted, side leaped, or just spun around.. I think the horse spun around. But I don't remember.. but I remember thinking, the horse wasn't evil for doing so.. and I believe had they taken the time to get the horse desensitized to birds and birds flying in and what not, that someday birds would not bother the horse. Although, I wonder how one would go about desensitizing a horse to birds flying in the arena? something I love reading, is how people work with their Arabians, and how they desensitize their Arabians to things that spook them.

Also, how old were you, when you knew you wanted Arabian horses? I knew Arabians were for me, when I started reading your blog, and the first time I met Dandy and found out that his previous owner wanted to rehome him him, only because of her age, and her not riding anymore. I knew he was for me. And I think Dandy and my trainer have made me a good rider with good balance. Although it's going on 12 months since she gave me my first lesson, and 10 months ago since she gave me my last lesson, since she went on the road with her Welsh stallion, showing him. If I had any other horse, it would be Dan Patch :). Welshes are so dang cute.

Plus I believe Lori Schmidt knows Dan Patch.

Kim said...

Well when you do post that story, let me know when you have it posted, as I do want to read your first experience with an Arabian, and how it sounds like, even though it was an "ugly situation" .. somehow you found a way to get past that, and somehow you found a way to fall in love.

Also, I thought your first experience with an Arabian, was with Scandalous, but now, it sounds like, a different horse was your first experience? now I really cant wait to read the story! send it to my e-mail if you have to!, if that means you'll send me the story faster! lol...

Kim said...

I also apologize for posting it, especially in the wrong area... as I was distracting from a serious post, with a silly comment/post.

So in return, I just want your forgiveness, and totally, whenever I manage to post or say something I shouldn't, just let me know I've done so! although, I am becoming more aware, and tend to realize more, that I often manage to say things, or post things, I shouldn't. And sometimes I stop myself, and sometimes it's not until after I've done it, I realize I shouldn't have, or after I've been told I shouldn't have. I'm pretty sure it's talking and being around mature people like you, that's maturing me. But I'm still young, and still manage to act like a kid. Particularly when I'd had my share of sugar lol.. but I can be totally serious when need be. Lol, like the other day when I went to disbud 3 goats for a lady, the whole time I was there, I was calm and collected, doing my job, but in the car, with my dad, I was singing songs into my goat disbudder lol.. no wonder my dad thinks I am weird. But I must have an outlet for my silliness, and do it at appropriate times.. must find an appropriate outlet. And I realize for the Valor posts, I needed to be serious, and not go distracting on silly stuff.

And thank you. I think you have been and that you'll be a good influence in my life, and in a good way.

And that'll be a dream of mine. To be a good role model for someone 40 years younger than me. Or at least 20 years younger thank. And I also hope to be a good influence on my nieces who are 15 and 16-17 years younger than me. Because I know I can influence them already. And sometimes they are smarter than me. Like the time, I was sitting on a branch, and my older niece of the two, was making it clear by what she was saying, and her body language, that she didn't think I should have been sitting on that branch. And that I certainly shouldn't have been bouncing up and down on that branch. I certainly shouldn't have been laughing. Because the branch did break. And I did land on my b*tt! and boy did my b*tt hurt! But as I now say, "if you bounce on a branch, your gonna land on your b*tt!!" and my niece knew I would the whole time.

Rising Rainbow said...

The ugly experience wasn't because of the horse, it was because of the people. The horse is why I learned to love Arabian horses.

Scandalous was the first horse I ever owned, not the first Arabian I was ever around. Even in my limited experience before I bought Scandalous, I was around lots of Arabian horses.

Also, I'm glad that you're going to pay closer attention to what you are saying and whether it's appropriate for the circumstances or not. It's a good skill to have.

Kim said...

Oh, I see. I want to read about this experience you had, and how this horse made you learn to love Arabians, despite the people.

I jumped to conclusion it was the horse that made it an ugly situation, when it was the people. See, how amazing Arabians are? they can manage to make you love love them, despite your not the owner, and despite the owner. And Dandy made me love him despite me not being his owner, and just meeting him, when his owner already spoiled him good with food and grain and treats. Lol. Definitely with the mazola oil in his grain he'd been getting, definitely had him a fatty. So I cant wait to see what he looks this spring and summer. I think he's got a good grain mix going on. Soaked beet pulp, and whole grains like wheat and oats and barley and corn, then mixed with bird seeds and black oil sunflower seeds, and kelp, a mineral mix, and garlic and cayenne pepper for some spice! he definitely likes it. Animals like variety when it comes to work, and food. They don't like like bland, they don't like boring, they like variety. They don't like doing the same thing every day, and they don't like having the same plain bland hay and grain. Unless it's really good hay and grain :) and they like being stimulated and having a job to do. Anyway, I'm looking forward to hearing more about the experience you had.
