Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Tempo the foal at 1 week old.


Lady Of Chaos said...

I love the videos. That's the sort of thing I plan on doing with my horses this winter. Should be fun.

Rising Rainbow said...

I am having trouble with the sound of my computer and it's driving me crazy with so many videos to look at. My daughter and her husband fix my computer when it needs it but they are sooooooooooooo slow!

Kim said...

Your daughter and husband are soo slow? I wish you could hear the videos, they really are worth hearing.

Rising Rainbow said...

I wish I could hear them too. Now they are thinking my soundcard is in my motherboard, if that is the case I need a new motherboard. So frustrating.

Rising Rainbow said...

Hey! I got my sound fixed!! Yeah!!!!

Where have you been, haven't seen you at my blog in a long time.